Indian Legal Service About

You would be studying all kinds of laws that exist in our legal system such as corporate law, company law and the law of torts. While pursuing your course, one option that students can explore is working as legal trainee under judges of the Supreme Court of India. You would gain in depth knowledge about laws and its applicability in the legal world.

On completion of the degree and the internship, a person can become either an advocate or a solicitor. An advocate pleads in court and is actively involved in litigation. He decides what legislation and what precedents are relevant in a particular case. However, a solicitor offers legal advice to clients on a wide range of subjects, from personal to business matters. In the event of a case going to court, the solicitor briefs and advises the advocate who takes up the case on behalf of the client.

Indian Legal Service

The Registry of the Supreme Court of India advertises every year for jobs of law clerk-cum-research assistant, a good entry point for some. Lawyers are also required in corporate companies as well as government set ups. You can work with a senior lawyer to gain hands-on experience in different specializations such as corporate, labour, consumer, fundamental rights and telecom law. Salary largely varies depending on your area of expertise, from Rs 10,000/- to even Rs 1 lakh in a corporate company for a fresher.
Law jobs are lucrative in today’s world. As much as private practice pays well, top-notch law firms are also a good option for lawyer jobs. Lawyer careers and salaries grow fast because of the demand in the market. Depending on the type of court job, lawyers salaries per hour are also high. There are many benefits to being a lawyer irrespective of the type of role you choose. Either which way, it is a lucrative option.

Similar Careers
Job Title Range Average
Associate Attorney ?288k - ?1m ?535,126
Legal Advisor ?339k - ?1m ?500,505
Legal Assistant ?173k - ?556k ?307,226
Legal Counsel ?305k - ?983k ?590,000
Corporate Lawyer ?420k - ?1m ?1,000,000
Legislative Advocate ?240k - ?3m ?361,741
Software Engineer ?450k - ?763k ?665,000
Career Pros Details

Wide range of career opportunities: There are many different career routes available in law, including working as an advocate or lawyer, being a legal consultant, becoming a judge, specializing in corporate law or international law, or being a legal academic.

Affordable education: Compared to many other nations, law school in India is quite inexpensive, making it available to a wide spectrum of students.

Strong legal system: India has a strong legal system, and studying law there gives students a thorough understanding of the legal system in that nation.

Rich legal history: India has a lengthy legal history, which gives students studying law there a unique perspective on how the Indian legal system has developed.

Opportunities for specialisation: Students can choose to specialize in several areas of law in India, including international law, human rights law, intellectual property law, and environmental law.

Career Cons Details

High competition: It might be difficult for young lawyers to break into the Indian legal industry due to the level of competition there.

Lengthy and rigorous education: In India, students must complete either a three-year LLB program or a five-year integrated legal curriculum, which can be demanding and time-consuming.

Limited practical training: It might be difficult for students to get practical experience before entering the workforce. Very few universities offer unmatched exposure to law students like Chitkara University.

Slow legal process: It can be frustrating for both lawyers and clients when disputes in India’s legal system take a long time to be settled.

  • Attention to detail:
    When applying for a job or internships, recruiters really look into minute details of the CV of the person applying, any grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, or even punctuation can cost one's job. Accuracy is important to have success in the legal arena. A single mistake can cost a loss to the firm. Inaccuracy gives a bad impression in the eyes of the clients.
  • Persistence:
    Being persistent is a key for being called a good lawyer. Lawyers who sit idle and wait for the information to come to them may not get many cases but the lawyers who keep working and adhere to achieve the desired outcome for their clients. A good lawyer would never let anything affect him and deter him from his goals.
  • Teamwork:
    Joining a team can be the best way to hone your people's skills. Working alongside a variety of people can help to engage more with people and get to know their mindset and learn from each other. When a person works in a team he/she/they get to work with people of all the positions from trainees and pupils to the members of the judiciary. It's important to have a good relationship with the clients and be nice and polite with them. Being personable and persuasive keeps in good books of the clients.
  • Commercial awareness:
    A lawyer should be known of his surroundings and must be aware of the recent development in local, national, and world business, especially any issues concerning a law firm and its clients. Firms expect their employees to develop trust relationships with the clients and market their services to prospective clients.

    Meanwhile, a client expects the lawyer to be knowledgeable, and listen, and actually understand how their business is run and how any social, political, or economic issue can make an impact. A lawyer should always think strategically about the clients' business and its strength and weakness and be able to provide legal advice to them to the best of their ability.
  • Communication:
    Being a legal representative, it is very important to have a command over your oral and communications skills otherwise dealing with clients will become really hard and may never reach the conclusion because of the lack of sufficient discussion. To build confidence and relationships with the clients, your listening ability will make a difference here. You need to be a confident speaker when arguing in court, negotiating settlements, or explaining complex situations to the clients. You need to use persuasive and succinct language in order to get things done.
  • Creative problem solving:
    A lawyer's whole motto of being a lawyer is to solve the problem. Sometimes it's not a piece of cake and they have to think out of the box to solve the problem. There, a lawyer needs to have a creative problem-solving mind to get things done. All the experienced lawyers and judges know, the best course of action is not always the easiest or the most salient one.
  • Organization:
    A lawyer job is the most complicated and hectic job out there. Juggling between courts, legal documents, research, contract drafting, etc. but organization skills to manage all these things and still prioritize what's important is what makes a good lawyer. To be better at your organizational skills, one should be able to do it through some training or maybe engage in some organizational events.
  • Resilience:
    Resilience goes hand in hand with confidence and determination. This is a tough job. It is not going to be easy, rejection is a part of the job and so is not giving up. Apply, send follow up and reapply if necessary. There is a huge competition out there and you have to make your place with your determination and resilience.
  • Written Communication
    From writing simple correspondence to drafting complex legal documents, writing is an integral function of nearly every position. Professionals must master the stylistic and mechanical aspects of writing, as well as the fundamentals of English grammar.

    Learn how to write organized, concise, and persuasive prose. You'll need this skill to draft effective documents such as motions, briefs, memorandums, resolutions, and agreements.
  • Client Service
    Serving a client capably, honestly, and responsibly is crucial to success in the client-focused legal industry. Professionals must master rainmaking and client development skills and customer service skills.
  • Information analysis and research:
    To flourish in the field of law, being able to identify what is pertinent out of the mass information and explain it clearly and precisely to their client is important. One can gain experience in this by jotting down a few most important themes of a large document or news article. Knowing how to do proper research plays a very vital role in the day-to-day life of a lawyer.
  • Legal Research
    Researching legal concepts, case law, judicial opinions, statutes, regulations, and other information are important skills. Professionals must master research techniques and learn how to locate and synthesize legal authority.

    You must be proficient at statutory interpretation and learn proper legal citation. Become proficient with legal research software applications and internet research.
  • Technology Skills
    Technology is changing the legal landscape and is an integral part of every function. Professionals should master a variety of word processing, presentation, time management, billing, and practice-related software applications to remain effective in their jobs.

    This includes master communications technology such as email, voice messaging systems, video conferencing, and related technology. It involves becoming familiar with electronic discovery, computerized litigation support, and document management software.

    You should also develop the tech know-how to make wise technology decisions.
  • Knowledge of Substantive Law and Legal Procedure
    All legal professionals, even those at the bottom of the food chain, should have a basic knowledge of substantive law and legal procedure. Even secretaries and other support staff must have at least a general knowledge of local, state, and federal court systems, and relevant filing deadlines.

    They should understand the fundamental principles of law in the practice area in which they work.
  • Time Management
    Legal professionals are under constant pressure to bill time and manage large workloads in a profession that's based on the business model of the billable hour. Productivity equals financial gain.
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